I've decided to add a new dimension to Rather Be Pogging. It's fairly simple. From now on whenever I discuss an album, I'm going to create a new genre for it. If "shoegaze" can be the name of a genre, I don't see why I can't make up my own stupid names of genres. For example: this next album falls under a little genre I like to call "Sensitive Rock."
But seriously, I can completely imagine The Good Feeling Music playing in the background of some cheesy movie's falling-in-love montage. It's the kind of music your parents will slow-dance to once you're away at college. In fact, I can't recall the last time there's been an album packed with so many sha-la-la's and shooby-doo-wop's. If that doesn't spell out L-O-V-E, I don't know what does.
Maybe it's appropriate this album comes out only 11 days prior to Valentine's Day - a day I will spend drinking whiskey, eating Cheez-Its, and crying alone in my bedroom. The album is a 35 minute daydreamy stroll through the clouds. The euphoric mixture of the ukulele and baritone voice, complimented by charming background doo-wops just makes me want to fall in love (and this time with a real girl instead of an internet-girl). Dent May just might be the "softest boy in Mississippi." He certainly is the Mississippi version of Jens Lekman (he's also that episode of "Friends" where Rachel and Ross fall in love).
This album feels like hugging a teddy bear. It tastes like chocolate. It reeks of flowers. It's web address might just be eharmony.com. Personally, it reminds me of the 7 girls I fell love with (5 of those 7 didn't even know who I was - thus my rating).
Listen to Dent May's lovespace here.
The Good Feeling Music of Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele
Dent May is trapped in the 1950's, and I'm reaping all the benefits. Equipped with creepy molester glasses, a tuxedo, and a ukulele, Mr. May's debut LP just might be the easiest thing to fall in love with since Furbys. And not only is it easy to fall in love with, but it's easy to fall in love to (I have to assume it's easy to fall in love to since no girl will fall in love with me; maybe I should stop doing this... and this).But seriously, I can completely imagine The Good Feeling Music playing in the background of some cheesy movie's falling-in-love montage. It's the kind of music your parents will slow-dance to once you're away at college. In fact, I can't recall the last time there's been an album packed with so many sha-la-la's and shooby-doo-wop's. If that doesn't spell out L-O-V-E, I don't know what does.
Maybe it's appropriate this album comes out only 11 days prior to Valentine's Day - a day I will spend drinking whiskey, eating Cheez-Its, and crying alone in my bedroom. The album is a 35 minute daydreamy stroll through the clouds. The euphoric mixture of the ukulele and baritone voice, complimented by charming background doo-wops just makes me want to fall in love (and this time with a real girl instead of an internet-girl). Dent May just might be the "softest boy in Mississippi." He certainly is the Mississippi version of Jens Lekman (he's also that episode of "Friends" where Rachel and Ross fall in love).
This album feels like hugging a teddy bear. It tastes like chocolate. It reeks of flowers. It's web address might just be eharmony.com. Personally, it reminds me of the 7 girls I fell love with (5 of those 7 didn't even know who I was - thus my rating).
Listen to Dent May's lovespace here.
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